Monday, December 6, 2010

own the night; like the 4th of july.

“You’ve gotta seize life. Do something man, just do something that matters. Squeeze the fuck out of every day. Life’s always sewn up. Everything’s in this right place, charged, ready. Whatever happened to all the heroes, man? I’m the last one. You hear me? The last one.”

- Cook (Skins)

you never loved me. but i'd still catch a grenade for ya. 


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

that girl.

all i ever did was love her. i put her higher, above everyone else.

all she ever did was hurt me. treat me like dirt. and she never even knew what she was doing, was hurting me. why? because i forgave her every time. why? because she was her.

when it really mattered the most, i gave everything up to her. she took my life. shattered my happiness. and it doesn't matter what she does from now... i'll never forget what she did to me.

but i still love her. and i'll always be there when she needs me, because i love her.

what does that make me?

a push over? weak?

or strong enough to try and find the little pieces in her that i miss... so much? 


Thursday, October 21, 2010

those 'nothing' emotions.

you know those days... or even hours of some period in time, where you're just... blank faced? nothing phases you, you've had enough. what do i do now? 

what makes me happy? when i don't want to bother anyone with my pointlessness?

skins. it takes me far away. i delve myself into their problems and highlights.

fall out boy. shut up. they help. their music takes me back.

short stack. they make me forget everything. if i skip two songs.

going to my playground. the swings. drawing me close to the sky. i lose myself in the clouds. and just be. that's my place to go.

and my last resort if it's food i seek... easy mac. :D


Friday, October 8, 2010

i love skins.

So I'm sitting here, right, thinking about Skins. As per usual lol, and I thought... why not put this to good use? And quoteage is my thing so... these are some of my favourite quotes from all four seasons so far. There are of course some great quotes that aren't here...

And of course I must warn you of imminent swearing. Alot of it. :P

Season One:

[A squatter shoves a naked Chris out of his own house after they fought] 
Squatter: Listen, take a while, calm down, maybe take a day or two and then we'll talk about it, alright? 
Chris: It's my fucking house!
Squatter: I don't make the rules, man, I don't make the rules.  

Sid: It's not a nightlight! It's a glow in the dark batman... it's retro.

Sid: [to himself] Every time. Every fucking time. "Buy three ounces of weed, Sidney." Oh yes, sir. "Shove a bag of pills up your ass, Sidney." Oh, right away. "Come help me save some random bint." Oh, could I? What have we learned, Sidney? Your friends are shitheads. 

Tony: Just you and me, sis.
Effy: Fucking wanker.
Tony: Eff, what are you talking about?
Effy: Michelle.
Tony: I tried.
Effy: No. Wanker.
Tony: I said sorry!
Effy: Wanker.
Tony: Effy. I liked it better when you didn't talk.
Effy: [pause] Wanker.

Season Two:

Chris: Right, I've been to the job centre yeah, and they're a bit.. well they're all fuc—
Josie: Fuddy-duddies.
Chris: Yeah! Yeah, they are fuddy-duddies! Right, they're like, "just queue up here, fill in this box here, don't steal that. Right, it's a load of cra—"
Josie: Cranberry juice. [offers Chris a carton] Would you want...?
Chris: Thanks. Anyway, there's this one lady there, I've never met such a big fat bit—
Josie: Biscuit. [offers Chris a jar] Do you want a biscuit?
[Chris takes a biscuit and eats it]
Josie: How can I help?
Chris: Well, I'm thinking, seeing as you're a careers officer...
[Josie thinks heavily]
Chris: ...I thought.. you could... you know...
[Josie still thinking heavily]
Chris: me get a job.
Josie: Oh yeah! Totally!
Chris: Yeah!? Fucking ace!
[Josie points to a sign that says "Be daring, try to express yourself without swearing."]
Josie: [quietly] Chris, stop swearing..

Chris: So I told him he was a pitty boss and a pastard, and he could pucking shove his pucked polo up his packside! Stupid prick!
Josie: I think one slipped through there Chris...
Chris: [thinks] Stupid punt.

Cassie: Do you know what hurts most about a broken heart? Not being able to remember how you felt before... try and keep that feeling, because... if it goes... you'll never get it back
Chris: What happens then?
Cassie: You lay waste to the world... and everything in it.

Cassie: I'll love you forever, Sid.
Sid: You will?
Cassie: Yes. That's the problem.

Michelle: I'm not saying forget about him [Chris], because you can't and you shouldn't. He was special. But I, I just think... Fuck it.
Jal: What?
Michelle: Like Chris. He said fuck it, I'll do it my way. And the people that love me will understand why I'm doing it because they love me.

Season Three:

[The new characters introduce themselves]
Pandora: I'm Pandora. I'm useless.
JJ: I'm JJ. With regard to mathematic aptitude I'm in the top 0.3% of the population which is an interesting demographic statistic because paradoxically my communication interpersonal and intuitive skills are towards the lower quartiles.
Katie: I'm Katie. I've never not had a boyfriend since I was seven.
Emily: I'm Emily. Never had a boyfriend.
Naomi: I'm Naomi. I hate injustice. People tell lies about me.
Effy: I'm Effy and I think my mum's having an affair.
Freddie: I'm Freddie. I met a girl I liked today. She's like beautiful. That's it.

Pandora: [running off] Come on! We can do brownies and then lick our bowls out.
Katie: Do you think she knows she sounds filthy half the time?
Effy: Sometimes I wonder.

JJ: If Freddie was here...
Cook: Do you see Freddie? Did we invite Freddie?
JJ: No...
Cook: And why didn't we invite him?
JJ: Because he's a fun sponge.
Cook: You got it.

Effy: I wanted to see what was in your shed.
Freddie: My...?
Effy: Shed. Everyone says you have a marvellous shed.
Freddie: Everyone?
Effy: Yeah, it's marvelled at.
[They enter the shed]
Freddie: So this is it.
Effy: So what do you and the boys do in here? Braid each others hair and play soggy biscuit?
Freddie: No. [beat] Not for ages.

Freddie: We'd be good together. Don't you think?
Effy: No.
Freddie: Why?
Effy: Because I'll break your heart.
Freddie: Maybe I'll break yours.
Effy: Nobody breaks my heart. And anyway, why would I want that?

Anthea: Love, she's gone.
Cook: Ok, what time's she back?
Anthea: Not till tomorrow. They've gone to some party at Gobbler's End.
Cook: Nah, because... we're supposed to hang out tonight!
Anthea: Is that before you broke up or after?
Cook: But... I bought a fucking gâteau! Black Forest!
Anthea: Ooh, my favourite. [Takes cake and shuts the door] 

Season Four

[Katie trips Candy from behind; Candy gets up, pushes Katie]
Candy: Who the fuck do you think you are??
[Katie punches Candy in the nose; Candy falls to the ground again]
Katie: I'm Katie fucking Fitch! Who the fuck are you??

T. Love: What would Michael say?
Freddie: Pardon?
T. Love: [motions to his Michael Jackson poster] Michael. What would he say?
Freddie: I'm... bad?

T. Love: Yes. And what else?
Freddie: Beat it?
T. Love: No. He'd say "gotta be startin' somethin'". Okay? [silence] Don't you think you should be leaving?
Freddie: Right now? [Mr. Love responds in the affirmative; Freddie leaves.]

Effy: You're no good for me, Cook. You never were.
Cook: If this was us meeting for the first time, I'd do it all again. Everything. The fucks, the fuck ups, everything. I'd do it all again.
Effy: What's that supposed to mean?
Cook: It means I still love you.
Effy: Piss off.

Naomi: [steadily breaking down in tears] I loved you from the first time I saw you. I think I was 12. It took me 3 years to pluck up the courage to speak to you and I was so scared of the way I felt, you know, loving a girl. I learned how to become a sarcastic bitch just to make it feel normal. I screwed guys to make it go away but it didn't work. When we got together, it scared the shit out of me because you were the one person who could ruin my life. I pushed you away. I made you think things were your fault but really, I was just terrified of pain. I screwed that girl, Sophia, to kind of spite you for having that hold on me and I'm a total fucking coward because [reaches into her bag] I got [pulls out tickets]  these, these tickets to Goa for us 3 months ago but I... I couldn't stand it. I didn't want to be a slave to the way I feel about you. Can you understand? You were trying to punish me back and it's horrible. It's so horrible because, really, I'd die for you. I love you. I love you so much it's killing me.
[Beat. Emily then kisses and hugs Naomi.]

Cook: I don't think you know what I am, mate.
John Foster: I think I do. You're nothing. [Cook nods sarcastically] You don't deserve that girl. And you know... I do.
Cook: [mockingly] I'm a fucking waste of space. I'm just a stupid kid. I got no sense. A criminal. I'm no fucking us
e, me. I am nothing. So, please... Please... Get it into, you know, into your bonce... that you killed my friend. And... [shrugs] I'm Cook. [John Foster smiles] I'm Cook! [throws a punch. Series ends]

Sigh. Feel the love. Who loves Skins? Who hopes Cook just killed Foster? Me.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

so i was stuck for something to write about, when someone i know too much about suggested 'me'. 

so here we go.

here are some interesting (or not interesting) facts about Sam Richardson:

- he likes to buy t-shirts. all the time.

- he plays afl. and gridiron. and basketball. and anything else he can.

- he goes bowling way too often. 

- he owns two dogs, one of which is crazy. no really. and attacks you with her tail. no really. :P

- his mother is awesome.

- he made his mother switch bedrooms with him just because he wanted to.

- his middle name is Ronald. no joke.

- his computer is shit. no really. 

- i broke a spring off his trampoline once. and then another one. 

- he eats like a caveman when he's with people he's comfortable with. and they watch and attempt to insult him. he then continues to munch on massive chop. i then copy him. :P

- a mahooosive spider lives next to his back door. his name is fred. you will honour him. or he will eat you.

- i just found out fred died. he lived a long happy life scaring the shit out of me. i am now preparing his service.

- his bed is literally about to snap in half. because of he was wrestling anthony on it.

- he tackled anthony into his bedroom wall once. the hole was there for a very long time.

- he stands like me. no joke.

- he's tasmanian. WIN.

- he taught me how to appreciate a crazy stuffed bear beating the shit out of other stuffed bears.
- he cheats at gridiron on xbox when versing michael. you know you do...

- puppies live in a rectangle above his bed.

- he goes to the gym WAY too much :P

- i just asked him for one fact about him and he said, 'i'm starting to do body building.' hence he GOES TO THE GYM TOO MUCH. lol. 

- mixed martial arts? yeah.

- he's crazy. 

- he's really generous.

- vienetta. enough said.

- he's a musical bandit. 

- he really wants me to click 'publish post' right now.

- so i will, and will add to this later if i can think of anymore.

- this is so far back in the list of posts that no one will probably ever read this as i add new things lol.

- he has the awesomest car a P plater could ever have.

- he has a tattoo on the inside of his left arm. and he's getting another one.

- he is an ex slut. BAM.

- he can beat me up with one hand behind his back and his eyes shut. make that both hands behind his back.

- n-n-n-n-navy.

- he had four new mobile numbers in a year.

- he's a prick :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010


i told you i wouldn't post for awhile at a time. but i just feel like it now. i'm not even coming into this with a plan, but hey, let's see what happens.

you know what i hate? people who think they're awesome on formspring, when they're really not. the shit some people say anonymously on that thing, it's incredible. it should be a place where people ask genuine questions that they want to know about that person. and they shouldn't use it to act tough behind. if you've got something bad to say, say it to that person's face, be a man, or keep it to yourself, seriously, it doesn't make you look good. go die in a hole.

i just lost all inspiration to write this anymore. x factor. i'm watching it. some of these people need to get their act together. inspiration back. like with this forgetting the words shit, seriously, harden up. you've been given an awesome opportunity. use it.

i wish i lived in london. or near london. then i would've gone to the skins season 5 & 6 auditions. that would make my life. who would i play? i can safely say that no one knows what the new characters are like. but if i could pick one to play, i'd be a mash of effy, michelle and katie. that would be a weird turn out. but i'd play that character. lol.

i think i started this blog post three days ago. LOL.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

i love you all.

i appreciate my friends so much. so much so that i thought i'd write a little about some of them (: and no not all of them; if you feel left out by any chance, feel free to let me know.

Marko Supic: my gosh. my bestfriend. my brother from another mother. how i miss our lunch times; most of which were spent listening to that piece of crap that you called an MP3 player. never throw that out lol. now you go to bundah and we never see each other anymore. that FAILS. youuu were the one who got me into skins; and i shall forever thank you for that. countless days with our skins marathons. and our erindale food breaks. remember that dessert thing we bought from (dominos? i think.) and we went to eat it before we crossed the bridge, and it fell apart all over us lol. and OMG that sose documentary. biggest laugh fest ever. i epically miss you. ♥

Rebekah Clarke: tut tut. tut thump. (: i am so happy that we have become close again. i don't know what i'd do without you to get me through the school day. and i apologise for using your full first name :P "welcome to the gradual report." oh. my. god. that, will never die. i could sit here, and write out all our quotes from school and the gradual report, but i think i'd just be laughing too much xD i love you; you're so beautiful and you make school worth coming to (: ♥

Anna Chapman: our lockers were placed in strategic places. i have missed like 8 years of being awesome friends with you. it's all coming out this year lol! ahh Leviticus. Dee Dee... haha made you think of Dee Dee :P ahh i love you; and i know i can tell you anything. we need to invent a thingo to keep our locker doors open. and you can drink my water anytime :P 

Robert Davey: ohh god. two and half years worth of memories. dropping each other at rock climbing. buying maccas during outdoor ed. that summer. two jamberoo trips. countless drives to no where that were pointless but perfect. you vacuuming the car :P the 29th. tony hawk sessions. the smirnoff hour. and the other night is a pretty good memory :P and making sure you never forget how much you're like edward cullen :P we don't see each other much lately. that makes me sad :( but you're awesome, and it doesn't matter when the next time will be, it will always be the funnest (: xo

Samantha Pincott: holy crap. i miss our bus rides. the bus is SO boring with out you. it's just me in the morning. sitting by my lonesome. and now you've moved SCHOOLS too?! I MISS YOU WOMAN. i had a mini party with myself when i saw you at youth the first time the other week :P ahh remember all the pictures we used to take on the bus. and all those talks about just like UM EVERYTHING lol. i love you so much samantha kay. ♥

Jess Bucholtz: eight and a half years bro ♥ wow. that's like. half my life :P so many memories... tuross :P really tia? lol. scary tree... grandad... mother... all my crazy inventions that i really should have seen a councilor for xD being crazy cats in primary school. you epically leaving before the end of year 6... :( but then trinity woo. singing tribute (we still need to make a video of that xD) the roxy the rabbit video. prank calling people (i.e. stewart LOL) using those sound boards. hide and go seek at night. my spa in car crescent, with the bubbles... then going in the pool at like some cold hour of the night only to chicken out and come back to the spa. MIDNIGHT SNACKS. thinking our parents couldnt hear us even though we were giggling like mad. that shop we used to make under my staircase bed. and the letters we used to try and attach to some lift while you were on the ground and i was above. sometimes they had food attached. reflex. lifestream. drench. holy. crap. i could go on for ages woman. I LOVE YOU ♥ omg do you remember this, "Yes I am a wanker, bye!" i just had a massive lol fest.

Hannah Alford: seriously, all our awesome memories from maths and science. come on. they were the shiz. i can happily say you got me through those classes. dave and his obsession with my pencil case. how he can't spell his name xD. miss chetty omg. those cartoon videos in science.. about atoms. and how she pronounces 'w' LOL. "i speak the language of CHANCE." "does that say gas weed?" haha oh i love you hans. i'm loving you coming to youth now. ♥

Margot de Ridder: lil' bear + big bear. dolce + gabbana. (lol fairy + floss) our pictures folder is my biggest pictures folder. i miss you so much. *fake talks while looking at your face, then your boobs, stopping at your vaggg; stares blankly* LOL. that video. 'who you gonna call? ghostbusters!' sleeping on that fold out couch at my house because we wanted to sleep together. me stealing your bed because it was a water bed. WORD TO YOUR MOTHER. that time i waxed your legs xD. that red wig; 'im a rangaaa.' and when you'd steal my phone and take loads of pictures. i love you lil' bear. ♥

Jack Lamont: i asked jack what i should blog about. and sure enough he says, 'how awesome i am?'  he inspired this post lol. ahhhh jack. i could write for years. and we've had a year and a half time gap in our friendship, but it doesn't really matter. well; you still hold my record for longest phone call. six hours :O the day we were looking up stuff for school, and saw a page all about the different names for the male genital region. PURPLE HELMET WARRIOR. i think we were on the floor for three hours after that. xD talking till like all hours of the morning; just because we could. i think we're going to have some fun times in on coming economics classes; someone has to make it fun lol. what am i saying? we'd have to work pretty hard to make it fun > < thank you for getting me past that race on NFSU; after like five hours of you trying lol. oh; and you know you cheated at goldfields. i don't care that it's not possible :P i have had so much fun with you than i have had in so long. i'm glad we're talking again (: you still cheated though.

Matthew Gomez: matthew. javier. you and your sydneyness need to get your ass back to canberra please. memories aye? MILKSHACKS. just for the record, i spelt that the right way when i wrote it just then > < BOO HISS. and that girl in sick bay, with her dress that looks like a shirt. lol i cant believe i just remembered that! staying up til 6am on msn to watch the sun rise together. also staying up on msn till forever just because. your guitar. that jalal fake name (i tried to copy it into here, but it wouldn't let me) then you attempting to say it :P LEGAL STUDIES. with mr RANDALL. big LOL. 'mr raaaandall. likes to man haaandle... MEN.' ahhh i miss you. come back :( ♥ 

well then. wasn't that enjoyable? i love you all. xo 

a waltz down memory lane.

my grandad's moving down to tuross heads. so we drove down there to take a look at the place and everything; and oh my god. i went down there with jess in the year 7 - year 8 summer holidays, and the memories just came floooooding back.

eh jess?

'His name is Percy.'
'Hey look it's the OTHER guy!'
'Omg Tia there's a frog on the door. No really.'
'You look like the grudge.'

and the yellow walls and that bunk bed in our under the house room > < that all night conversation to jack and the discussion that followed > < the radio station that played the same songs every day lol and that random late night game show that we made steph try and ring. ah jess. (Y)

                                     > <

Thursday, August 19, 2010

well hello there.

howdy doody.

so i'm fairly sure i'm just being a massive follower of two of my great friends - jessica and joel. i don't even know what i plan on putting here. i'm just epically bored; and designing this blog has been great to combat that boredom thus far, so i thought, why not actually add a post. but what to write?

i suppose i could just TOTALLY copy my lovely friend jess; and go on about some little fun facts about little old me.

well i'm tia; i'm 16 and i was born in tasmainia. i live in canberra and i'm fairly sure that the government was still crazy back when they decided to make a shitty city with nothing in it, and call it the australian capital (: i love music. without it; i would die. you would see me listening to all sorts. really. i play the piano; and am fair on the guitar and the drumicles. i'm not perfect. my teeth aren't that straight and my hair never sits right. i think WAY too much about non-important things. and important things > < i attend trinity christian school. no comment. my friends get me through the day. i love horror movies. although my favourite movie is superbad. i can't go a night without watching tv (don't judge me; and yes if it was life or death then obviously i could do it.) i love skins. and supernatural. i dance and sing when no one's watching. it's fun. AND this blog is made simply for my ramblings on; it won't be deep and meaningful, it could be a place for me to let go about shit though. it could also be mildly entertaining to some people. and i'll probably have massive gaps of time where i don't write to it at all. or forget about it completely. but i'll always come back at some point. 

SO YEAH. (Y) chill with that for a while and i'll be back later.