i appreciate my friends so much. so much so that i thought i'd write a little about some of them (: and no not all of them; if you feel left out by any chance, feel free to let me know.

Rebekah Clarke: tut tut. tut thump. (: i am so happy that we have become close again. i don't know what i'd do without you to get me through the school day. and i apologise for using your full first name :P "welcome to the gradual report." oh. my. god. that, will never die. i could sit here, and write out all our quotes from school and the gradual report, but i think i'd just be laughing too much xD i love you; you're so beautiful and you make school worth coming to (: ♥
Anna Chapman: our lockers were placed in strategic places. i have missed like 8 years of being awesome friends with you. it's all coming out this year lol! ahh Leviticus. Dee Dee... haha made you think of Dee Dee :P ahh i love you; and i know i can tell you anything. we need to invent a thingo to keep our locker doors open. and you can drink my water anytime :P
Robert Davey: ohh god. two and half years worth of memories. dropping each other at rock climbing. buying maccas during outdoor ed. that summer. two jamberoo trips. countless drives to no where that were pointless but perfect. you vacuuming the car :P the 29th. tony hawk sessions. the smirnoff hour. and the other night is a pretty good memory :P and making sure you never forget how much you're like edward cullen :P we don't see each other much lately. that makes me sad :( but you're awesome, and it doesn't matter when the next time will be, it will always be the funnest (: xo
Samantha Pincott: holy crap. i miss our bus rides. the bus is SO boring with out you. it's just me in the morning. sitting by my lonesome. and now you've moved SCHOOLS too?! I MISS YOU WOMAN. i had a mini party with myself when i saw you at youth the first time the other week :P ahh remember all the pictures we used to take on the bus. and all those talks about just like UM EVERYTHING lol. i love you so much samantha kay. ♥
Jess Bucholtz: eight and a half years bro ♥ wow. that's like. half my life :P so many memories... tuross :P really tia? lol. scary tree... grandad... mother... all my crazy inventions that i really should have seen a councilor for xD being crazy cats in primary school. you epically leaving before the end of year 6... :( but then trinity woo. singing tribute (we still need to make a video of that xD) the roxy the rabbit video. prank calling people (i.e. stewart LOL) using those sound boards. hide and go seek at night. my spa in car crescent, with the bubbles... then going in the pool at like some cold hour of the night only to chicken out and come back to the spa. MIDNIGHT SNACKS. thinking our parents couldnt hear us even though we were giggling like mad. that shop we used to make under my staircase bed. and the letters we used to try and attach to some lift while you were on the ground and i was above. sometimes they had food attached. reflex. lifestream. drench. holy. crap. i could go on for ages woman. I LOVE YOU ♥ omg do you remember this, "Yes I am a wanker, bye!" i just had a massive lol fest.
Hannah Alford: seriously, all our awesome memories from maths and science. come on. they were the shiz. i can happily say you got me through those classes. dave and his obsession with my pencil case. how he can't spell his name xD. miss chetty omg. those cartoon videos in science.. about atoms. and how she pronounces 'w' LOL. "i speak the language of CHANCE." "does that say gas weed?" haha oh i love you hans. i'm loving you coming to youth now. ♥
Margot de Ridder: lil' bear + big bear. dolce + gabbana. (lol fairy + floss) our pictures folder is my biggest pictures folder. i miss you so much. *fake talks while looking at your face, then your boobs, stopping at your vaggg; stares blankly* LOL. that video. 'who you gonna call? ghostbusters!' sleeping on that fold out couch at my house because we wanted to sleep together. me stealing your bed because it was a water bed. WORD TO YOUR MOTHER. that time i waxed your legs xD. that red wig; 'im a rangaaa.' and when you'd steal my phone and take loads of pictures. i love you lil' bear. ♥

Matthew Gomez: matthew. javier. you and your sydneyness need to get your ass back to canberra please. memories aye? MILKSHACKS. just for the record, i spelt that the right way when i wrote it just then > < BOO HISS. and that girl in sick bay, with her dress that looks like a shirt. lol i cant believe i just remembered that! staying up til 6am on msn to watch the sun rise together. also staying up on msn till forever just because. your guitar. that jalal fake name (i tried to copy it into here, but it wouldn't let me) then you attempting to say it :P LEGAL STUDIES. with mr RANDALL. big LOL. 'mr raaaandall. likes to man haaandle... MEN.' ahhh i miss you. come back :( ♥
well then. wasn't that enjoyable? i love you all. xo
ReplyDeleteI don't remember where that wanker thing was from but I remember you saying it and I remember laughing like mad. Oh my goodness we had the best childhood together. I love you much x
oh t's i love you! i miss science and maths with you so much, those were some grand times.
ReplyDeleteBY THE WAY. i am very impressed that you're a big fan of skins. such an awesome show. x