Saturday, September 25, 2010

so i was stuck for something to write about, when someone i know too much about suggested 'me'. 

so here we go.

here are some interesting (or not interesting) facts about Sam Richardson:

- he likes to buy t-shirts. all the time.

- he plays afl. and gridiron. and basketball. and anything else he can.

- he goes bowling way too often. 

- he owns two dogs, one of which is crazy. no really. and attacks you with her tail. no really. :P

- his mother is awesome.

- he made his mother switch bedrooms with him just because he wanted to.

- his middle name is Ronald. no joke.

- his computer is shit. no really. 

- i broke a spring off his trampoline once. and then another one. 

- he eats like a caveman when he's with people he's comfortable with. and they watch and attempt to insult him. he then continues to munch on massive chop. i then copy him. :P

- a mahooosive spider lives next to his back door. his name is fred. you will honour him. or he will eat you.

- i just found out fred died. he lived a long happy life scaring the shit out of me. i am now preparing his service.

- his bed is literally about to snap in half. because of he was wrestling anthony on it.

- he tackled anthony into his bedroom wall once. the hole was there for a very long time.

- he stands like me. no joke.

- he's tasmanian. WIN.

- he taught me how to appreciate a crazy stuffed bear beating the shit out of other stuffed bears.
- he cheats at gridiron on xbox when versing michael. you know you do...

- puppies live in a rectangle above his bed.

- he goes to the gym WAY too much :P

- i just asked him for one fact about him and he said, 'i'm starting to do body building.' hence he GOES TO THE GYM TOO MUCH. lol. 

- mixed martial arts? yeah.

- he's crazy. 

- he's really generous.

- vienetta. enough said.

- he's a musical bandit. 

- he really wants me to click 'publish post' right now.

- so i will, and will add to this later if i can think of anymore.

- this is so far back in the list of posts that no one will probably ever read this as i add new things lol.

- he has the awesomest car a P plater could ever have.

- he has a tattoo on the inside of his left arm. and he's getting another one.

- he is an ex slut. BAM.

- he can beat me up with one hand behind his back and his eyes shut. make that both hands behind his back.

- n-n-n-n-navy.

- he had four new mobile numbers in a year.

- he's a prick :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010


i told you i wouldn't post for awhile at a time. but i just feel like it now. i'm not even coming into this with a plan, but hey, let's see what happens.

you know what i hate? people who think they're awesome on formspring, when they're really not. the shit some people say anonymously on that thing, it's incredible. it should be a place where people ask genuine questions that they want to know about that person. and they shouldn't use it to act tough behind. if you've got something bad to say, say it to that person's face, be a man, or keep it to yourself, seriously, it doesn't make you look good. go die in a hole.

i just lost all inspiration to write this anymore. x factor. i'm watching it. some of these people need to get their act together. inspiration back. like with this forgetting the words shit, seriously, harden up. you've been given an awesome opportunity. use it.

i wish i lived in london. or near london. then i would've gone to the skins season 5 & 6 auditions. that would make my life. who would i play? i can safely say that no one knows what the new characters are like. but if i could pick one to play, i'd be a mash of effy, michelle and katie. that would be a weird turn out. but i'd play that character. lol.

i think i started this blog post three days ago. LOL.